Who is Marija Papac?
Marija Papac grew up in Zadar, where she graduated from a teacher training academy. She lives in Medulin and teaches at the local primary school. She is the mother of 4, and enjoys being with creative people and in a creative environment. She has taken part in workshops and creative events at the studio Valeria.Marija's inspiration:
A wide road splits Medulin into an old part and a new part. My house is in the new part. I thank the Lord every day for the place where I live, and the views that I have. On the hillside two church steeples tower above the terracotta roofs clustered together in a broken line. Early in the morning the view is deep purple, at sunset it is ruby, and after the rain it is silvery grey, with the air so saturated with the strong scent of rosemary, sage and other medicinal herbs that walking in it is healing. Close by is Vizula; a peninsula small in size but abundant in history; from prehistory to Roman times; all blending into a harmony together with the bird song, the beauty of nature and the sea.Tko je Marija Papac?
Odrasla sam u Zadru , gdje sam završila Pedagošku akademiju. Živim u Medulinu i radim u mjesnoj osnovnoj školi. Imam četvero djece. Volim biti u društvu kreativnih ljudi i na mjestima gdje se stvara. U Studiju Valerija sam sudjelovala u radionicama s tekstilom i fuzijom stakla.Marijina inspiracija:
Široka cesta dijeli Medulin na stari i novi. Moja kuća je u novom dijelu. Zahvaljujem Bogu svaki dan za mjesto u kojem živim i pogled koji imam. Dva dominantna zvonika i zbijeni krovovi na brežuljku, stvaraju izlomljenu liniju. U rano jutro prizor je tamno ljubičast , od zalaska sunca rumen , za kišnih dana sivo magličast. Nakon kiše zrak je zasićen mirisom ružmarina, kadulje i kakvih sve ne trava i šetnja postaje ljekovita. Sasvim blizu je poluotočić Vižula . Mali po površini , ali ogroman po doživljaju. Tragovi ljudi iz prethistorije, rimskog vremena stapaju se u harmoniju sa cvrkutom ptica u ljepoti bilja i šumu valova.Contact Marija